inline parser (for 1.7)

inline_latex is a parser that allows regular moin moin wiki syntax,
but also latex style inline formulas like $...$ and latex style
paragraph formulas like $$...$$. Note that in the latter case, you
are (unlike in latex) limited to a single line. If you absolutely
need multiple lines, use the parser directly.
Copyright 2005-2008 Johannes Berg <>
Released under GPLv2.
import re
from MoinMoin.parser import text_moin_wiki
from MoinMoin import wikiutil
class Parser(text_moin_wiki.Parser):
    def __init__(self, raw, request, **kw):
        self.scan_rules += r'|(?P<latex_formula>\$[^$].*?(?<!\\)\$)'
        self.scan_rules += r'|(?P<latex_formula_para>\$\$.*?(?<!\\)\$\$)'
        self.scan_re = re.compile(self.scan_rules, re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE)
        text_moin_wiki.Parser.__init__(self, raw, request, **kw)
    _latex_plugin = None
    def _aquire_latex_plugin(self):
        if self._latex_plugin is None:
            self._latex_plugin = wikiutil.importPlugin(self.cfg, 'parser', 'latex', 'Parser')
    def _latex_formula_repl(self, text, groups):
        if self._latex_plugin is None:
            return self.formatter.text("<<please install the latex parser>>")
        return self._latex_plugin('', self.request).get(self.formatter, text, '')
    def _latex_formula_para_repl(self, text, groups):
        if self._latex_plugin is None:
            return self.formatter.text("<<please install the latex parser>>")
        return self.formatter.paragraph(1) + \
               self._latex_plugin('', self.request).get(self.formatter, text, '') + \