Latex Parser

New latex formatter using dvipng and tempfile
Author: JohannesBerg <>
This parser (and the corresponding macro) was tested with Python 2.3.4 and
 * Debian Linux with out-of-the-box tetex-bin and dvipng packages installed
 * Windows XP (not by me)

In the parser, you can add stuff to the prologue by writing
somewhere in the document, before that write stuff like \\usepackage and after it put
the actual latex display code.
Dependencies = []
import sha, os, tempfile, shutil, re
from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile
from MoinMoin.Page import Page
latex_template = r'''
max_pages = 10
MAX_RUN_TIME = 5 # seconds
latex = "latex"    # edit full path here, e.g. reslimit = "C:\\path\\to\\latex.exe"
dvipng = "dvipng"  # edit full path here (or reslimit = r'C:\path\to\latex.exe')
# last arg must have %s in it!
latex_args = ("--interaction=nonstopmode", "%s.tex")
# last arg must have %s in it!
dvipng_args = ("-bgTransparent", "-Ttight", "--noghostscript", "-l%s" % max_pages, "%s.dvi")
# this is formatted with hexdigest(texcode),
# page number and extension are appended by
# the tools
latex_name_template = "latex_%s_p"
# keep this up-to-date, also with max_pages!!
latex_attachment = re.compile((latex_name_template+'%s%s') % (r'[0-9a-fA-F]{40}', r'[0-9]{1,2}', r'\.png'))
anchor = re.compile(r'^%%anchor:[ ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$', re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
# the anchor re must start with a % sign to be ignored by latex as a comment!
end_prologue = '%%end-prologue%%'
def call_command_in_dir_NT(app, args, targetdir):
    reslimit = "runlimit.exe" # edit full path here
    os.environ['openin_any'] = 'p'
    os.environ['openout_any'] = 'p'
    os.environ['shell_escape'] = 'f'
    stdouterr = os.popen('%s %d "%s" %s %s < NUL' % (reslimit, MAX_RUN_TIME, targetdir, app, ' '.join(args)), 'r')
    output = ''.join(stdouterr.readlines())
    err = stdouterr.close()
    if not err is None:
        return ' error! exitcode was %d, transscript follows:\n\n%s' % (err,output)
    return None
def call_command_in_dir_unix(app, args, targetdir):
    # this is the unix implementation
    (r,w) = os.pipe()
    pid = os.fork()
    if pid == -1:
      return 'could not fork'
    if pid == 0:
        # child
        os.dup2("/dev/null", os.O_WRONLY), 0)
        os.dup2(w, 1)
        os.dup2(w, 2)
        os.environ['openin_any'] = 'p'
        os.environ['openout_any'] = 'p'
        os.environ['shell_escape'] = 'f'
          import resource
                             (MAX_RUN_TIME * 1000, MAX_RUN_TIME * 1000)) # docs say this is seconds, but it is msecs on my system.
        except ValueError:
        # os.execvp will raise an exception if the executable isn't
        # present. [[ try os.execvp("aoeu", ['aoeu'])  ]]
        # If we don't catch exceptions here, it will be caught at the
        # main body below, and then os.rmdir(tmpdir) will be called
        # twice, once for each fork.  The second one raises an exception
        # in the main code, which gets back to the user.  This is bad.
          os.execvp(app, [app] + list(args))
          print "failed to exec()",app
      # parent
      r = os.fdopen(r,"r")
      output = ''.join(r.readlines())
      (npid, exi) = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
      sig = exi & 0xFF
      stat = exi >> 8
      if stat != 0 or sig != 0:
        return ' error! exitcode was %d (signal %d), transscript follows:\n\n%s' % (stat,sig,output)
      return None
    # notreached
if == 'nt':
    call_command_in_dir = call_command_in_dir_NT
    call_command_in_dir = call_command_in_dir_unix
class Parser:
    extensions = ['.tex']
    def __init__ (self, raw, request, **kw):
        self.raw = raw
        if len(self.raw)>0 and self.raw[0] == '#':
            self.raw[0] = '%'
        self.request = request
        self.exclude = []
        if not hasattr(request, "latex_cleanup_done"):
            request.latex_cleanup_done = {}

    def cleanup(self, pagename):
        attachdir = AttachFile.getAttachDir(self.request, pagename, create=1)
        for f in os.listdir(attachdir):
            if not latex_attachment.match(f) is None:
                os.remove("%s/%s" % (attachdir, f))
    def _internal_format(self, formatter, text):
        tmp = text.split(end_prologue, 1)
        if len(tmp) == 2:
            prologue = ''
            tex = tmp[0]
        if callable(getattr(formatter, 'johill_sidecall_emit_latex', None)):
          return formatter.johill_sidecall_emit_latex(tex)
        return self.get(formatter, tex, prologue, True)

    def format(self, formatter):
        self.request.write(self._internal_format(formatter, self.raw))

    def get(self, formatter, inputtex, prologue, para=False):
        if not self.request.latex_cleanup_done.has_key(
            self.request.latex_cleanup_done[] = True
        if len(inputtex) == 0: return ''
        if callable(getattr(formatter, 'johill_sidecall_emit_latex', None)):
          return formatter.johill_sidecall_emit_latex(inputtex)
        extra_preamble = ''
        preamble_page = self.request.pragma.get('latex_preamble', None)
        if preamble_page is not None:
          extra_preamble = Page(self.request, preamble_page).get_raw_body()
        extra_preamble = re.sub(re.compile('^#'), '%', extra_preamble)
        tex = latex_template % { 'raw': inputtex, 'prologue': extra_preamble + prologue }
        enctex = tex.encode('utf-8')
        fn = latex_name_template %

        attachdir = AttachFile.getAttachDir(self.request,, create=1)
        dst = "%s/%s%%d.png" % (attachdir, fn)
        if not os.access(dst % 1, os.R_OK):
          tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
              data = open("%s/%s.tex" % (tmpdir, fn), "w")
              args = list(latex_args)
              args[-1] = args[-1] % fn
              res = call_command_in_dir(latex, args, tmpdir)
              if not res is None:
                  return formatter.preformatted(1)+formatter.text('latex'+res)+formatter.preformatted(0)
              args = list(dvipng_args)
              args[-1] = args[-1] % fn
              res = call_command_in_dir(dvipng, args, tmpdir)
              if not res is None:
                  return formatter.preformatted(1)+formatter.text('dvipng'+res)+formatter.preformatted(0)
              page = 1
              while os.access("%s/%s%d.png" % (tmpdir, fn, page), os.R_OK):
                  shutil.copyfile ("%s/%s%d.png" % (tmpdir, fn, page), dst % page)
                  page += 1

              for root,dirs,files in os.walk(tmpdir, topdown=False):
                  for name in files:
                  for name in dirs:
        result = ""
        page = 1
        loop = False
        for match in anchor.finditer(inputtex):
            result += formatter.anchordef(
        for match in anchor.finditer(prologue):
            result += formatter.anchordef(
        while os.access(dst % page, os.R_OK):
            url = AttachFile.getAttachUrl(, fn+"%d.png" % page, self.request)
            if loop:
                result += formatter.linebreak(0)+formatter.linebreak(0)
            if para:
                result += formatter.paragraph(1)
            result += formatter.image(src="%s" % url, alt=inputtex, title=inputtex, align="absmiddle")
            if para:
                result += formatter.paragraph(0)
            page += 1
            loop = True
        return result